
What Animal Digs Up And Eats Chives?

  • #1

Outset establish outdoor for two weeks, went to check her an plant a hole nether my rabbit cage 1 ft wide by 3 1/2 human foot deep! No tracks?

Somthin ate but the roots, left the acme of the plant alone? dont seem like a rabbits, i was thinking chipmunks or prarie dogs? But this pigsty is pretty dam big an no prarie dog towns near by?

Im out on the planes advert dont have a inkling. Never seen gophers around hither? Seen one posum many years back?

I gauge ill be putting a craven wire cage into the ground to protect the roots from at present on.

Any ideas what the hell it is?

  • #2

iv heard that gofers volition eat jujst the roots

  • #3

Chupacabre are omnivores terminal I heard

  • #4

Gofers is my guess..I been killin them things for months so they dont hurt my shit...I chopped on in half with the shovel a few weeks agone

  • #v

iv heard that gofers will eat jujst the roots

Man, their missing out huh? LOL!

  • #6

Dam i wasent prepaird for gophers, there is pocket gopher what lives in the mid west plains, only ive never seen one.

The size of the hole information technology dug makes me wonder how big are they? 3 1/2 ft straight downwardly ? Pocket gophers dont audio that large?

  • #7

I don't know which animal will eat just the roots, just the mistake I made was using fish goo to fert. my plants. Dogh, every critter in the world was attracted to the sent. It would have been nifty if I was a fur trader lol. Never do that again!:peace:

  • #8

Dam plains pocket gophers go fifteen in long, so i gauge they could have dug that pigsty.

I was using Zeba starch based wet absorbing polymers, a miracal grow moistrure control with coco fibers for moisture retentivity. Proolly smelled similar a cafe to a root eating gopher, lol

I was all set to go an kill a few m rabits for revenge, merely now i believe the Plains Pocket Gopher is my true enemy.

  • #10

It could have been a wombat

  • #11

i dont know much about the plains simply down on florida we got wild hogs, who love roots, specially MJ roots. and they brand pretty large holes. perchance it was somthin like that

  • #12

if u really want to know what it was go to walk-mart and become a hunting scout camera, its a movement sensored didtal cam that takes pics when something crossed its path, a cheap one is similar 25 bucks. i used i on my outside plants to c what friend was rippin me off.

  • #14

fucking rodenator is bad donkey. fuck those basis kritters

  • #16

do you lot think excavation a decoy pigsty with just some soil and fish emulsion in it for critters to inspect and meet that in that location is zippo to eat in in that location would exist effective at all? if theres four with cages and one without would animals become to the ane thats with easiest access?? just a thought.

  • #17


  • #eighteen

I had a hole like that last year it was about a foot deep though, didn't kill the establish. My guess was a rabbit... we got mass effectually here.

  • #19

could possibly exist rats they dig holes and chew on anything. moth balls near the base of the constitute and possibly a soap bar or two and itll get rid of alot of mj eaters. irish srping it best for deer but im sure rats dont like information technology much plus mothballs keep away alot of things

  • #20

The large fat one lol:peace:


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